Myofascial Pain Syndrome is the professional medical term for describing the broad category of muscle pain. Many different types of pain, inflammation, and problems may be considered to fall under the category of Myofascial Pain Syndrome. If you are having muscle pain or you know someone who has muscle pain, then you will want to consult the following guide to learn more information that will help you make informed decisions regarding Myofascial Syndrome in the future.
What is Myofascial Pain Syndrome?
This Syndrome is not a single syndrome or condition. It can include various types of pain, inflammation, and stiffness in the muscles. Myofascial can impact the muscle itself as well as the fascia. Which is the connective tissue that covers the muscles throughout the body? Myofascial can be a chronic condition, though it is not necessarily a chronic condition in every patient. Myofascial Pain Syndrome can cause symptoms throughout an entire muscle group or with a single muscle. In some cases, the Myofascial is associated with an injury to a specific area; however, it can also fall under the category of “referred pain”. When the Pain Syndrome is experienced in a different area than the site of the injury.
The causes behind Myofascial Pain Syndrome vary. The most common causes are an injury to your muscle fibers, a general lack of activity in the muscles or limbs, as well as repetitive motions. People who play certain sports or work certain jobs are at a higher risk due to their frequent repetitive motions. People may also experience this Syndrome when they have been unable to move their arm, leg or other areas of their body due to casts, braces, slings or other medical devices that prohibit someone from getting wet.
Symptoms of Myofascial Pain Syndrome
There are several notable symptoms of Myofascial. The most common symptoms associated with this condition include pain when pressure is applied to a specific area. This is considered to then be an “active” trigger point for Pain; as well as muscle weakness and general inability to move, especially in muscles that have been not used due to recent injuries. Which is considered to be an inactive trigger point for Myofascial.
Another common symptom of Myofascial Pain Syndrome is pain during repetitive movements that used to cause no pain. For instance, if you work at a factory where you have to repeatedly perform the same motion without incident and you suddenly find that you are experiencing serious pain during this action; then you may be actually experiencing Myofascial. Pain can lie “dormant” until something triggers it to the surface, which means that you could theoretically be performing the same job you always have—only for that last repetitive movement to be the “trigger” for the dormant pain.
How to Treat Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Treatment for this syndrome is varied since Myofascial is not well understood. Some of the most common treatments for Myofascial Pain Syndrome include the following:
In some cases, medication may be prescribed to reduce pain and inflammation. Common medications that don’t require a prescription include anti-inflammatory medication and acetaminophen. In addition to these medications that can be purchased on their own. You must see a physician if you want to seek prescriptions for your pain.
Physical therapy
Physical therapy is one of the most common treatment methods for Myofascial Pain Syndrome. There are many different types of physical therapy, so you may need to try several different options. Until you find a session and physical therapist that works well for you. In most cases, physical therapy is not used alone; it is often used in conjunction with some pain medication management as well as massage therapy.
Massage Therapy
Massage therapy comes in many different shapes and forms, ranging from traditional back massages with hands all the way to using professional-grade physical therapy tools such as massagers to help ease pain and reduce stiffness in the body. Massage therapy is often used in conjunction with other types of treatments. So keep this in mind if your physician decides to recommend them.
Trigger Point Injection
Trigger Point Injection, also known as a TPI, is a procedure designed to help reduce pain and tension by specifically injecting the trigger point with anesthetic, saline or even a corticosteroid. The trigger point in the muscle is then made inactive and the pain is reduced for some time to come. This particular treatment only takes a few minutes as well. Which means you won’t be laid up for weeks on end.
Final Thoughts
Myofascial can be difficult to manage, especially if you are working or otherwise have a busy schedule. However, once you notice the symptoms of Myofascial Pain Syndrome, you will be better able to alert yourself (or others) to your Myofascial Pain Syndrome treatment plan in case an emergency ever occurred.
Despite the busy schedule of people living In with Myofascial Pain Syndrome. It is important to stay in touch to offer help and reduce symptoms, particularly those associated with stress and anxiety. If you want to find the very best treatment centers for this particular condition. You should take the time to take you are looking for the best treatments for this syndrome. Then all you need to do is consider the above guide to treatments for your pain and other symptoms associated with MPS. If possible, consult with your physician about your Myofascial. So that they can offer you the very best options in the best locations possible for their needs.